To easily extend your Website or Portal with the Open Source Web-Conferencing of OpenMeetings you only need to have a SOAP Library for your Portal Software. In 99% there will be already such a Library that enables you to use the build in SOAP Methods of OpenMeetings to do the famous SSO (Single Sign On) to directly create/manage rooms of OpenMeetings from your Website.
The Single Sign On Flow is described within this graph:
The hole process is documented in OpenMeetings's wiki:
The trick about the SOAP Gateway in general is that you get a Session-Token, mark that Session-Token as logged in, and then set any User-Credentials that you would like into that Session-Token. And in the next step you use that Session-Token as Param in the URL that enters the Room. You don't need to populate any Users from your Portal into OpenMeetings! So you can run those applications even on different servers or build your very own system with several conference servers and one central portal software that redirects the user to those meeting-servers. That way you have a very flexible way of extending your Server infrastructure and can handle 10.000 and more users.
For security reasons login via SOAP is only possible for an Administrator Account. Otherwise any use could simulare 100+++ Users in the Meeting Server.
Additionally to the Direct Login there are a number of other services to manage Rooms, User et cetera:
We are also continuously extending this Gateway with new functionality. One already ready to run example of an integration is the Moodle Plugin (Test it here, no need to sign up )