- Alexei Fedotov
- Denis Kandrov
- German Grekhov
- Irina Arkhipets
- Maxim Solodovnik
- Yulia Algaer
- Release shipping: Voting for the first release is still not finished. All agreed that OpenMeetings should be released as soon as possible. Alexei told that one of his clients successfully uses trunk version last 1,5 months.
- German has finished with the Jitsi plugin installer
- Maxim is developing a cluster for the commercial cluster. Two issues in trunk found during the cluster implementation testing have been finished (lamguage import and calendar events problem). Now main functionality works OK.
- Irina has repaired Joomla plugin and now is preparing a demo video for Joomla plugin installation and integration. Should be finished in a couple of days.
- Yulia has made Russian localization for trunk.
- Denis is preparing a script which collects e-mail statistics for the commercial support email address. Hope to have some useful results till the next week.
- Irina will invite openmeetings-dev mailing list to the next monthly update meeting.